reg e gaines



— for Danny Shot 


havoc haunts hallways 
voices silenced by digital toys 
scholarly yet scandalous skeezers 
avoid juvenile jesters 
whose gestures suggest 
complex emotional states 
linked to prepubescent boys 
noise once deafening 
disturbed by polyrhythmic beep 
analog monstrosities 
mixed with hand held detectors 
sweep in search of steel 
finding fingernail files 
miles of books 
bindings bound by lead tape 
make fools of machines 
time and time again 


fashion show begins 
on rundown runways 
aroma of ammonia lingers 
fingers tapping devices 
texting tick tock videos 
oblivious to climate change 
world hunger 
global crisis 
sporting backpacks 
bubble jackets 
in every colorway 
vying for title 
fit of the day 


they rarely learn lessons 
providing keys to escape 
perpetual virtual reality of
scholastic systems 
in disarray 
little to say 
less to expect 
put in check 
by political decisions 
beyond their ability to comprehend 
reprimands from strategic commanders 
who unquestionably realize 
they’ve not had breakfast 
heat and hot water for days 
as bright eyed innocence 
competes with 
barbecue chips 
mountain dew 
for teacher’s attention 
who barks instructions 
whose stomach 
rarely grumbles 
while young minds 
fumble words 
misquote irrelevant speeches 
lost in maze of 
mathematical equations 
concentrating intensely 
on the will to survive 


as the inhuman contraption beeps
shots ring out
most forget instructions 
barricade door 
hit floor 
keep completely still 
while one lies bleeding 
arm clutching rail 
of abstract staircase maze 
faces frozen in disbelief 
grief fleeting 
scenario they all know 
oh too well
tapping digital devices 
cameras flash on cue 
and if you were 
inherently knew 
this microscopic landscape 
devised specifically for you 
is named enemy 
what would you do…

blank canvas 

quick glance 
chance to 
multi-colors in an 
amalgamation of collaboration 
condemning that which keeps 
peeps apart 
as art soothes 
souls sense solutions 
an ablution of prayer 
poured upon persons 
in perpetual search 
for more perfect peace 
brush strokes streak 

emotional imbalance 
challenge to view 
from deep within 
begin to feel 
blind to beauty 
not a see all 
but end to all 
negative aspects 
of our human existence 
so we might
once again


reg e gaines is a poet, lyricist, Tony Award winning playwright and artistic director of the Downtown Urban Arts Festival.
