Jazz Jungle by Tamara Plotnick
Jazz Jungle Tamara Plotnick
the song is a tree house
I'm in there with the drummer, a son of the island
he's frantic, snatching at cymbals
like far-limbed fruit,
guanabana and papaya glistening
giant ants skidaddle down base line vines
monkeys charleston over keyboards
I'm some girl climbing uninvited with girl germs and
her skirt caught in a branch, panties mooning
The drummer is the boy gathering and tossing
sticks He built this tree house
He knows which twig will send
it crashing
then fast the brass
plants a twister in the midst
whips up a frenzy of skirt, sticks
friction, instant fascination with girl germs
in the gnash of a tree house smashed
mirth in the
mash of boyish destruction
wind blows an exit boy shakes a downed branch
till the last leaf
(to hush)
like the lost lover of a listener
from Tribes Issue 8