Book Launch for George Spencer’s Unpious Pilgrim…

Book Launch for George Spencer’s

Unpious Pilgrim

…and Open Mic



Sunday November 13th 5-7pm at A Gathering of the Tribes

285 East Third St between Ave C&D




Come and hear George Spencer read from his new book of poetry,                                              Unpious Pilgrim




And Karin Randolph, painter turned poet, winner of the 2007 Marsh Hawk Press Poetry Prize and a finalist in the 2007 National Poetry Series.


And John Farris, writer, painter, sculptor and author of The Ass’s Tale, a Rabelaisian story of a dog’s search for his identity and recent winner of the PEN Oakland Award.


And Ron Kolm, one of founders of the Unbearables, editor, activist and bookseller. His most recent projects are the anthology The Unbearables Big Book of Sex, and the recently published fiction piece, The Plastic Factory.


And Elisabeth Watson, Managing Editor of A Gathering of the Tribes Magazine 14, who lives (and reads, reads, reads, and writes) in a small cooperative community house in the Brooklyn neighborhood of Crow Hill. And was happy to have a poem in last year’s Tribes Magazine 13.



And an Open Mic.

Chavisa WoodsTribes