Jack Tilton: 1951-2017
Jack Tilton 1951-2017
We here, the gang at A Gathering of the Tribes, are saddened to share the news that our friend, collaborator, and patron Jack Tilton is no longer with us. As noted in the Art News article we posted, he passed this weekend after years of artistic patronage and community building.
More than ever before, we are extremely sad at the sudden demise of Jack. He was a unique presence in the art world and a dear friend. He went his own way, made his own decisions, never concerned for profit or renown, but instead always finding and showcasing art that he loved and in which he believed. He shared that love of art with all those around him.
With this spirit, he gave us at Tribes inspiration terms to do the same thing. We could do what we wanted to do without being questioned - going our own way. Because of his dedication, contributions, and love for art, he will be remembered forever in generations to come.
We are deeply sorry to hear that he is no longer with us. In spirit, however, he will always be with us. Our condolences go out to all those close to him. May he rest in peace.