I don’t delete those numbers although
they’re dead, I’ve been told,
those persons, not numbers.
Read MoreWhat would it be like to edit down
a poem into its brittle bones
down to the last ash
on a burning log
down to thin veins
on a frozen leaf
twigs on an icy night
shivering in the dark gray
solstice sky
down to breath
or the last
before sleep?
Read Morered rays of the unknown sun came down to my new window
warmly shiver touched me, made me laugh as a fresh baby
I decided to think about the source of these unknown rays
but, suddenly a kind of musical sound covered my ears
the sound did not seem like any earthen sound I ever heard
it was a mix of waves dancers and creation of colorful bird
it was like a smell of honey and the secrets of gold
I want to carry in my womb
The bodies of the dead women
Killed by the dictatorship
My womb
Full of old pictures with their serrated sides
Full of vaporous language
Full of gardens in child’s mind
My womb will grow like a giant piñata
So full of communists
And you'll fear them all
Read Morefor J.D. Rage
I pick up a Xeroxed flyer
for a show by someone I know slightly.
Her photo shows her in leather, chains, sunglasses,
with a mass of black hair.
And I think, This is where
I want to take a woman for a date.
Allen Ginsberg, I have worn you on my back
in cafe's, on the flatlands, in a threesome
with a half-stranger, whose pregnant pause stretched out
across the microcosmic corn flake of America's crooked twaddle,
your fellatious weight wigged on the temporary
Read MoreI got mighty fine problems, but…
Read Moreintonation seeker
information wrecker
restless, mindless, corpseless beggar
hopeless ender
formless bender
broken token, bone winger
terror fire’er
chaperone shaker
calamity master, baits occupy hater
Read MoreMom always says I ran before I could walk
don’t ask me how

Book release Party July 19th 2008 4-5:30 pm @ The Bowery Poetry Club- Readers TBA
Read MoreOcean on my tongue. Small boatssuccoring on the gristle of ocean. Dark brine. They're dragging the nets up from the sea [...]
Read Morecarved & crafted in mahogany soapstone & ivory every hair and hope kept in tact
all night long
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